Dear Jammie, Dec 31, 2021

I finished the draft work for this painting; I believe it will be one of the largest paintings I have ever done.

I am not sure of the measurements probably 5 feet in height, 8 or 12 feet in length. The composition has been coming within me as I dream, actually it is beyond a dream more and more of a nightmare captured in seconds in black grey and white; as you know its the only colors I see when I dream.

I have not been able to eat or sleep and the Blackouts have been consistent, I have lost another 3 lbs within a week now am down to 125 lbs, ugh... The dream comes as it always comes into last years harvest in Dekalb County off Plank Rd, to the left the transformation of Male to Female to Female to Male...; then the heads raise out of the fields, as I watch Mother earth drop her red seed then all of a sudden these Red large legs are pressing hard on this white male with a Female under him.

This part Jammie I could hardly bear to look at as these dead babys fall out of the mothers womb, then from a distance you see the red horse, at the bottom were the lifeless childred laying as a Bear shows up and spits out these tickets. The white burning bush comes alive as the nuclear warheads appear. I am walking down Michiagan Street and Wacker Drive as I see the Chicago Tribune from a distance. Three Mothers carrying their lifeless childred in their arms as the soldier points the way; more lifeless children lay in the street as white and grey Masks are released off the Bridge; the sky is Red, Pink, Green, Blue and grey, then all of a sudden the Grim Reaper comes to pick up more of the lifeless childred; another loud sound comes to the right and seen the Eiffel tower as the Bull appears kicking off this human form.

Jammie the last time I had a dream like this was the painting I did 'A Childs Whisper" I finished in 2017 and the nightmare stopped!  I am hoping the same will happen with this one...

Miss you Jammie,

Yours Johnny

The Red Seed – a wild red horse.
The Red Seed – a wild red horse.
The Red Seed – A close-up of the woman's womb.
The Red Seed – A close-up of the woman's womb.
The Red Seed – Mother earth releasing her seed into the sky
The Red Seed – Mother earth releasing her seed into the sky.
Johnny Windfield Thompson Logo Impressionist Artist Chicago